10:48pm–#cttraffic–#Bridgeport CT–A motorcyclist has lost his life in a crash on Route 8/25 northbound.  The accident investigation team will have the highway shutdown for an extended period of time.  There is no information on who the victim .  The victims body and motorcycle were at least one hundred feet from one another.  A woman closer to the motorcycle could be seen crying hysterically.  Local streets in Bridgeport near the scene are really jammed with traffic especially on Golden Hill and Washington Avenue area.



Un motorista ha perdido la vida en un accidente en la Ruta 8/25 en dirección norte. El equipo de investigación de accidentes tendrá el cierre de carreteras por un período prolongado de tiempo. No hay información sobre quién es la víctima. El cuerpo de la víctima y de la motocicleta había al menos cien metros el uno del otro. Una mujer más cerca de la motocicleta podría ser visto llorando histéricamente. Las calles locales en Bridgeport cerca de la escena están muy atestadas de tráfico, especialmente en Golden Hill y la zona de la avenida Washington.

Um motociclista perdeu a vida em um acidente na Rota 8/25 norte. A equipe de investigação do acidente terá o fechamento da estrada por um longo período de tempo. Não há informações sobre quem é a vítima. O corpo da vítima e a motocicleta ficaram pelo menos cem pés um do outro. Uma mulher perto da motocicleta pode ser vista chorando histericamente. Ruas locais em Bridgeport perto do local estao realmente intransitaveis com o tráfego, especialmente em Golden Hill e área de Washington Avenue.

By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

One thought on “Bridgeport News: Fatal Motorcycle Crash Closes Route 8/25 Northbound”
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