The State Office of Policy and Management (OPM) has approved a $100,000 Small Town
Economic Assistance Program (STEAP) grant that will help the Town of Fairfield make needed
improvements at the downtown train station on Unquowa Road.
Grant funding will be used to install permanent canopy structures to cover the staircases on both
sides of the train tracks. Lighting will be provided under the canopies. In addition, the stairs,
which are badly worn and uneven, will be repaired. The adjacent landing and stairways leading
to the station platforms will also be restored.
First Selectman Mike Tetreau said, “This is an important project for the thousands of commuters
who have to use these stairs in inclement weather. This project will go a long way in ensuring
their safety and comfort throughout the year.”
Pending appropriate town bodies approval and weather permitting, the project is slated to begin
as early as January 2012.
The STEAP funds economic development, community conservation and quality of life projects
for localities. STEAP funds are issued by the State Bond Commission and can only be used for
capital projects.