At 12:58 pm Tuesday afternoon, Officer Sudora initiated a traffic stop on State St.

near Butler in
Bridgeport on a White Honda which was a possible misuse of plates. As Officer Sudora
approached the vehicle, the operator fled on foot on Butler toward Fairfield Ave. Three black
males bailed out of the vehicle and fled in different directions. Officer Sudora initiated a foot
pursuit, as the suspect vehicle crashed into a parked car. Several Patrols (both Bridgeport and
Fairfield) were in the area. The suspect vehicle was confirmed stolen from Stamford, CT.
The suspect driver’s abandoned jacket was located a short distance away. The Bridgeport PD K-
9 tracked off of the jacket and led right to a suspect that Officer Ricco and Bridgeport Detective
Fiumidinisi had stopped on the corner of State and Clinton Avenue. Fairfield K-9 was also used
in a track from the vehicle.
The driver, Rafael Cooney (DOB 12/15/90) of 1166 Reservoir Avenue Bridgeport, CT was
taken into custody and charged with Larceny (stolen vehicle Stamford), Reckless Endangerment,
Criminal Trover, and Interfering. He was also charged with several MV charges. Bond was set
at $7500 total ($5000 for the Criminal and $2500 for MV Charges). The other two suspects were
not located. The case remains under investigation.