“I said when we created this, we created a monster,” said Parks and Recreation Commissioner Robert Seirup…….

Vice-chairman Dante Gallucci said, “We had an opportunity to do something last year. It’s a complete embarassment—what’s going on.”……..
The commissioners voted to close the skatepark and to open it again when there was someone to monitor it. Read full story here……
Here is the video we posted earlier when teens and an off duty Trumbull Police Officer scuffled:
This is totally bull!!! The majority of the trouble maker teens that were there causing trouble are from out of town! I have witnessed it myself! There were days when I would bring my 9yo to skate (helmet and all) and these loud mouth punks were there acting like total low lifes!The fact that FFLD could not police a skate park should not rain down on the kids that were there with their parents enjoying a nice day! I have offered my services to monitor the situation there and was blown off by the “CONTRACTED SECURITY FIRM”