The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is proposing revised Flood Insurance
Rate Maps for the shoreline area of Fairfield. The maps are due to become effective in May of
2013. The impact of these new maps may include additions or modifications of special flood
hazard areas, changes in base flood elevations or depths, and flood zone designation changes.
FEMA has published notice of the proposed flood hazard determinations on June 8, 2012 in
the Connecticut Post. The significance of the publication is to start a 90-day appeal period,
beginning June 8, 2012. Any owner or lessee of real property who believes his or her property
rights will be adversely affected by the proposed flood hazard determinations may file an appeal.
The sole basis for an appeal is the possession of knowledge or information indicating that the
proposed flood hazard determinations are scientifically or technically incorrect. All appeals
must be forwarded by the Town to FEMA during the 90-day appeal period. Anyone with
questions regarding the new mapping or appeals can contact Assistant Planning Director Jim
Wendt at (203) 256-3050 or jwendt@town.fairfield.ct.us.
The new proposed maps are available for review in the Town Plan and Zoning Office, Sullivan
Independence Hall, 725 Old Post Road and can be viewed online at www.starr-team.com/starr/
The web site is for all of Fairfield County. The map panels for Fairfield are 418, 419, 436, 437,
438, 556 and 557.