We received a couple of messages from readers and News12’s Brandon Walker had reported of 5 students being pricked by needles brought in by a student at Hallen School .  Here is the letter that went home with students today from the principal:


April 30, 2014

Dear Parent or Guardian:

There has been an incident yesterday at Hallen School that I would like to share with

each and every one of you. We at Hallen School pride ourselves on having a safe and secure

environment and take every precaution to ensure that our school setting is a thriving learning


With that said, we are sharing what happened because communication between home

and school is vital and necessary. A third grade student brought in five needles to Hallen School

yesterday. Once this was discovered, there was a thorough investigation by our staff and school

security. We have checked on the third grade students who came in contact with the needles, made

our medical personnel aware of it and took the required actions for their safety. Please know that

Hallen School has and always will continue to make “safety our first priority”. You have entrusted

your most precious possession, your child in our care. We are honored to teach your child every

day at Hallen School.


Deborah Santacapita

Deborah Santacapita, Ed.D


By Alex

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