Human Services Director Barbara Butler has announced that the Westport Youth Commission is seeking
nominations for the annual James S. Bacharach Service to the Community Award. “All qualified
Westport high school seniors are eligible for this award,” said Butler. “This honor, given to one or more
Westport high school seniors, recognizes their significant community service contributions in our town.”
Citations have been given annually since 1989 as a tribute to the late James S. Bacharach, founder and
past-president of the Youth Adult Council, predecessor of the Westport Youth Commission which
Bacharach and other concerned citizens founded in 1974. “Eligible nominations must demonstrate the
student’s exemplary leadership ability and high standards of community service to Westport,” Butler said.
“Either adults or students may nominate a deserving high school senior for their contributions to our
Applications will be available online at and at the counseling offices at Staples
High School, Greens Farms Academy, Hopkins School, Laurelton, Fairfield Prep, at Toquet Hall, the
Westport Public Library and from the Department of Human Services at Town Hall. The application
should be submitted along with a maximum of two references or letters of support attesting to the
student’s contributions to the town. Applications must be faxed to 203-341-1073; e-mailed to; or mailed to Department of Human Services, Attention Bacharach Awards
Committee, 110 Myrtle Avenue, Westport CT 06880 by May 10, 2014.
Finalists will be chosen by a subcommittee of the Westport Youth Commission. Winners will be
announced at the annual end-of-year awards presentation at the recipients’ school.
The Westport Youth Commission, appointed by the First Selectman and staffed by the Department of
Human Services, is comprised of 15 Westport high school students and an equal number of Westport
adults. It serves as a catalyst for programs and activities that promote the positive development of youth
in their families, schools, community and among their peers. For further information, contact Elaine
Daignault at 203-341-1165, or via e-mail at