(Bridgeport, CT – June 20, 2014) – Firefighters rescued a woman from a smoky, third-floor balcony today during a fire at 97 White St.

Firefighters responded to the location at 12:40 p.m. and encountered fire coming from the second-floor of the building and a woman on the third-floor balcony with smoke pouring up around her.

According to Assistant Fire Chief William Hathaway, firefighters entered the building and quickly made their way to the third floor. They evacuated the woman through a rear staircase. She was treated at the scene for smoke inhalation and later checked out at the hospital, he said.

The fire was contained to the second floor of the building and remains under investigation.

About 30 firefighters responded to battle the fire.

The American Red Cross relocated one adult and one child.

By Alex

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