10:04pm–#Bridgeport CT–A black van struck a pedestrian in front of 613 Nobel Avenue and fled towards Arctic Avenue.  A crime scene is being set up by police for investigation.

bpd exam

Una camioneta negro golpeó a un peatón frente a 613 Nobel Avenue y huyó hacia la avenida Ártico. A la escena del crimen se está creando por la policía para su investigación.

Uma van preta atingiu um pedestre na frente de 613 Nobel Avenue e fugiram em direção Ártic Ave. A cena do crime está sendo montado pela polícia para investigação.

By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

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