
Bridgeport News: House Break In

8:27pm--#Bridgeport CT-- A Robert Street resident came home to find their home was burglarized.  Police are investigating. Our sponsor find it as important as we do to inform you as soon as the crime occurs.  Please support them with your business. Un residente de la calle Robert volvió a casa para encontrar su casa fue robada. La policía está investigando. Um morador da Robert St voltou para casa para encontrar a sua casa assaltada. A polícia está investigando.

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Bridgeport Detectives Investigate Domestic Homicide

#Bridgeport, Conn. (Dec. 7, 2014) -- Detectives arrested a 36-year-old woman in connection with a fatal shooting stemming from what appears to be a domestic dispute. Detectives charged Griselle Pizarro, 36, with murder and unlawful discharge of a firearm in relation to the fatal shooting of her boyfriend, Jacob Lopez. This morning at 1:17, police responded to the 200 block of Huntington Turnpike and located a Lopez outside of a light-colored pick-up truck. He suffered a gunshot wound to the chest, and was taken to Bridgeport Hospital, where he was pronounced dead shortly before 6 a.m.  While en route to the hospital, he made a statement that "Griselle shot me." "We take all gun violence very seriously, and this remains a very…

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Manhunt After Pursuit

9:38pm--#Trumbull CT #Bridgeport CT-- There is heavy police presence near Treeland on Huntington Turnpike for a manhunt.  Trumbull was in pursuit of a white vehicle when he bailed in the area. Sponsored by: Hay fuerte presencia policial cerca Treeland en Huntington Turnpike para una cacería humana. Trumbull estaba en búsqueda de un vehículo blanco cuando rescató en la zona. Há forte presença policial perto Treeland em Huntington Turnpike para uma busca. Trumbull estava em busca de um veículo branco, quando ele afiançou na área.

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Newton Photo Op

Ernest Newton, facing campaign fraud charges for illegally obtaining a $500 donation in order to get to a threshold to receive public funds in 2012 took time to pose with a protester along with his lawyer Friday.  Ernie posted on his Facebook wall along with this picture: "Today while in Hartford picking a jury. My Lawyer and myself had to stop and march with this Brother. Hands up don't shoot. On a great not We Pick 2 Black 2 Hispanics 2 White It didn't come easy But GOD IS GOOD!"   Ernest Newton, que enfrenta cargos de fraude campaña para obtener ilegalmente una donación de $ 500 en el fin de llegar a un umbral para recibir fondos públicos newton ernie…

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Bridgeport News: Possible Assault

3:00am--#Bridgeport CT-- Police received a number of calls of man standing over a woman who was bleeding and crying.  They have the man in custody and EMS are just arrived. La policía recibió una serie de llamadas de hombre de pie sobre una mujer que estaba sangrando y llorando. Tienen el hombre en custodia y EMS se acaba de llegar. A polícia recebeu um número de chamadas do homem em pé sobre uma mulher que estava sangrando e chorando. Eles têm o homem em custódia e EMS são acabado de chegar.

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Bridgeport News: Looking In Cars Etc.

12:24am--#Bridgeport CT--Report of two males looking in driveways and looking to see if they can get into cars on Burnsford Road.  Keep an eye out if you live in the area.  Police are investigating. This report is possible because of our sponsor! Presentación de dos hombres que buscan en las calzadas y mirando para ver si pueden entrar en los coches en Burnsford Road. Mantenga un ojo hacia fuera si usted vive en la zona. La policía está investigando. Relato de dois homens que olham em calçadas e olhando para ver se eles podem entrar em carros na Burnsford Road. Mantenha-se atento se você vive na área. A polícia está investigando.

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Bridgeport News: Variety Store Armed Robbery

10:12pm--The Hank 7 Variety at 890 Maplewood Avenue was just robbed at gunpoint by 3 masked men, one displayed a gun. They fled on foot toward Hancock Avenue. Police are investigating. This report sponsored by: La Variedad Hank 7 a 890 Maplewood Avenida se acaba de robar a punta de pistola por 3 hombres enmascarados, uno muestra un arma. Huyeron a pie hacia Hancock Avenue. La policía está investigando. A Variety Hank 7 em 890 Maplewood Avenue foi apenas assaltados à mão armada por três homens mascarados, que é exibida uma arma. Eles fugiram a pé em direção a Hancock Avenue. A polícia está investigando.

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Bridgeport News: Overheated

11:20pm--#Bridgeport CT--Reported fire at PT Barnum Housing Building 11 on the second floor turns out to be an over heated oven according to radio reports.  But now you know what all the noise was about! Fuego Informó a PT Barnum Vivienda Edificio 11 en el segundo piso resulta ser una sobre horno caliente de acuerdo con reportes de la radio. Pero ahora usted sabe lo que todo el ruido estaba a punto! Fogo relataram pelo PT Barnum Housing Building 11, no segundo andar acaba por ser um over forno aquecido de acordo com relatos de rádio. Mas agora você sabe o que todo o barulho era de cerca!

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Bridgeport News: Armed Street Robbery

9:55pm--#Bridgeport CT--An armed robbery occurred in the 200 block of North Bishop Avenue.  4 males fled in a gray Nissan with Connecticut plate 447ZWD.   This report sponsored by:   Un robo a mano armada ocurrido en la cuadra 200 de North Bishop Avenue. 4 hombres huyeron en un gris Nissan con placa de Connecticut 447ZWD. Um assalto à mão armada ocorrido no bloco 200 de North Bishop Avenue. 4 homens fugiram em um cinza Nissan com placa de Connecticut 447ZWD.

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I-95 Brush Fire

11:51pm--#cttraffic--I-95 northbound near exit 29/30 a brush fire which appears to be going pretty good after all this rain.  Firefighters on the way.  Expect delays due to rubbernecking. I-95 hacia el norte cerca de la salida 29/30 de un incendio forestal que parece ir bastante bien después de toda esta lluvia. Bomberos en el camino. Espere demoras debido a curiosear. I-95 norte perto da saída 29/30 um incêndio que parece estar indo muito bem depois de toda esse chuva. Bombeiros a caminho. Espere atrasos devido as pessoas que reduzem para olhar.

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