
Burglar in Trumbull Mall Vents?

3:25pm--#Trumbull CT--Mall Security at the Westfields Mall on Main Street called police because they thought they heard someone inside the ventilation system.  Police arrived and called the fire department and K-9 from Fairfield.  Firefighters cut open and found the vents empty.  I caught up with Officer Kevin Wells walking Ruger (the K-9) after the incident and he confirmed they were empty, he said he's guess maybe an animal might have been inside the vents.  Or, could it have been a ghost from Christmas Past???..........

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Trumbull News: Smoke in a Spring Meadows Assisted Living

8:40pm--#Trumbull CT --Seniors are on lockdown in their rooms after an electrical issue caused a smoke condition inside Spring Meadows Assisted Living at 6949 Main Street.  Firefighters are assisting the facility and staff with ventilation and tracking down the cause of the condition. See ALL of our posts, not just what Facebook shows you! Go right to our mobile friendly website at This report sponsored by:

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Naked Man Apprehended !

12:53pm--#Bridgeport #Trumbull #Statford Police on scene a Broadbridge and Holland for a naked man possibly on PCP.  Police had to taser him to subdue him.  Police from all these towns including state police received 911 calls about him. Special thanks to Nick Aroni for posting this on our Facebook wall. Policía en escena un Broadbridge y Holanda por un hombre desnudo, posiblemente, en el PCP. La policía tuvo que él Taser para someterlo. La policía de todos estos pueblos, incluyendo la policía estatal recibieron 911 llamadas sobre él. Un agradecimiento especial a Nick Aroni para publicar esto en nuestro muro de Facebook. Polícia em cena na Broadbridge e Holland para um homem nu, possivelmente, com PCP. A polícia teve de taser ele…

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#cttraffic--A number of reports of snow covered streets.  Nothing here in Fairfield but Trumbull is reporting snow covering the road in the upper Daniel's Farm Road area.  State Police are calling in DOT for sanding in certain areas. Una serie de informes de las calles cubiertas de nieve. Nada aquí en Fairfield pero Trumbull informa nieve que cubre la carretera en la zona alta del camino de campo de Daniel. Policía del Estado están llamando en DOT para el lijado en ciertas áreas. Um número de relatos de ruas cobertas de neve. Nada aqui em Fairfield mas Trumbull está relatando a neve que cobre a estrada na área Daniels Farm Road. Polícia do Estado estão chamando em DOT para limpar…

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Trumbull News: Rollover Accident

10:51pm--#Trumbull CT--Its Trumbull's turn for a rollover accident.  This one is reported to be on Nichols Avenue near Route 8.  Police on scene reporting the car rode up the guy wire of a utility pole.  They are also requesting a breathalyzer to the scene. This report sponsored by: Es el turno de Trumbull para una volcadura. Éste se informó de que en Nichols Avenue, cerca de la Ruta 8. La policía en la escena de informes del coche montó el cable de sujeción de un poste de electricidad. También están solicitando un alcoholímetro a la escena. É a vez de Trumbull para uma capotagem. Este é relatado para ser em Nichols Avenue, perto Route 8. Polícia na cena relatando o…

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Taking Packages Off Porches

#Trumbull CT--#Stratford CT--Police in both towns are looking for a green pickup truck with two white males driving around town taking package off porches.  They did not have a plate number for the truck. This report sponsored by: La policía de ambas ciudades están buscando una camioneta verde con dos hombres blancos conducir por la ciudad tomando paquete apagado porches. Ellos no tienen un número de placa para el camión. A polícia de ambas as cidades à procura de uma caminhonete verde com dois homens brancos dirigindo pela cidade levando pacote dos alpendres. Eles não têm um número da placa para o caminhão.

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#Trumbull Child Reunited With Mom After Search

6:18pm--#Bridgeport CT #Trumbull CT-- A father took off on foot with a child in his arms who was not suppose to  and fled on foot to Bridgeport in the Clifton Place Dayton Road area.   It was a Trumbull 10-9 but I don't have Trumbull's 10 codes. Bridgeport Police assisted Trumbull Police in searching the area along with K-9 in the Sylvan Avenue area including searching inside Food Bazaar and Home Depot.  No one matching the description was seen or found in either store.  Around 8:20pm the man called a family member and returned the child in Trumbull. This post was intentionally delayed.  The information posted here is preliminary and is subject to change. This report was sponsored by: Un…

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Trumbull News: Hit In Head Kennedy Center

4:14pm--#Trumbull CT--A woman was struck in the head when the parking gate went through her windshield striking her in the head at the Kennedy Center on Lindeman Drive.  She is conscious and alert inside the center's lobby.  EMS on the way. Sounds like she is going to need our sponsored: Bomberos en el camino a la Iglesia Metodista en 35 Shelton Camino a bombear la iglesia inundada. Bombeiros no caminho para a Igreja Metodista em 35 Shelton Road to bomba de fora da igreja inundada.

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Trumbull News: Flooded Church

3:00pm--#Trumbull CT-- Firefighters on the way to the Methodist Church at 35 Shelton Road to pump out the flooded church. This report sponsored by: Lado sur de Iranistan Avenida y la Avenida del Ferrocarril informa del semáforo de estar fuera. Luces y Departamento de Signos notificados para llevar las señales de alto a cabo para evitar accidentes. Tenga cuidado. Si se llega a una intersección con el semáforo fuera de la intersección es convertirse en una parada de cuatro vías. Lado sul da Iranistan Avenue e Railroad Avenue relatórios do semáforo estar fora. Luzes e sinais Departamento notificado para trazer sinais de parada para evitar acidentes. Tenha cuidado. Se você chegar a um cruzamento com semáforos fora o cruzamento é…

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