
Ben and Jerry along with State Rep Hwang oppose GMOs

Rep. Tony Hwang & Jerry Greenfield, the co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, joined together to support CT House Bill 6519 legislation at CT General Assembly’s Public Health Committee hearing.  HB 6519 would require the labeling of genetically engineered foods (GMO) in our food supply.  http://1.usa.gov/Y76Dkv Rep. Tony Hwang submitted testimony in the public hearing and emphasized that, “We have a fundamental right to know what is in our food so we can make informed choices about what we feed our families.  Consumers may or may not wish to purchase foods that they know to be genetically modified, but they need the information made available to them to make those informed choices.  This bill would require that labels provide…

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Cop barks like police dog- convinces suspects to exit building…

Cops threatened to send in a dog to drive out two felons holed up in a house in Westville. The only problem: they didn’t actually have a dog on the scene. Instead, one officer went in the backyard and started barking. He turned out to be just as good as the real thing. Here’s what happened, according to police spokesman Officer Dave Hartman and the New Haven Independent.......

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