Other scam warnings from Sergeant Jillian Cabana, Westport Police Detective Bureau


Family member arrested- Another common scam involves an elderly person receiving a
phone call from someone pretending to be a grandson or granddaughter. The “grandson”
or “grand daughter” claims to be under arrest, often in Canada, and needs bail money
wired to a particular account, so that they can be released from prison. They may also
request the bail payment be made using a Green Dot card or other similar prepaid credit

Social Security Scams- These calls involve someone claiming to be from social security
looking to update your information or reevaluate your status. They often request your
name, date of birth, address, social security number and other personal identifying
information, leaving you vulnerable to identity theft.

Things to remember: If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Feel free
to do your own research using the resources provided below and to contact the police
department if you believe you have been the target of a scam. Please initiate a dialogue
with your elderly family members to advise them that these scams are out there and many
target the elderly and trusting.

Never give a caller your credit card, social security number, or bank account numbers
over the phone. If you have any doubts about what is being offered, request that they
mail you information about the company or organization. Responding favorably to a
solicitation scam involving your bank account can result in monetary loss and/or identity
theft. If the caller claims to be from your credit card company, hang up and then call the
toll free number located on the back of your credit card.

No legitimate companies will request that you purchase a Green Dot card or request that
you wire money via Western Union, Moneygram, or other similar service to pay your

By Alex

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