9:37pm–#Bridgeport CT–Firefighters were called to a fire at the corner of Yaremich and Reservoir Avenue, almost immediately police received a call that the fire had been deliberately set and to begin an investigation.  When firefighters arrived they reported the structure was fully engulfed in flames.   Firefighters had quickly knocked the fire down and was checking for hot spots when I arrived about ten minutes later.  Multiple witnesses told me and police it was “Jimmy the Crackhead”  started the fire.  The community was upset because the structure was the office for their community garden.  The neighbors were upset because this was something of theirs that gave them enjoyment and a sense of pride in the community.  Police are investigating.

Yaermich n Reservior 2
Yaermich n Reservior

Os bombeiros foram chamados para um incêndio, na esquina da Yaremich e Reservoir Avenue, quase imediatamente a polícia recebeu uma chamada que o fogo tinha sido deliberadamente e para começar uma investigação. Quando os bombeiros chegaram, eles relataram a estrutura foi totalmente envolvido em chamas. Os bombeiros tinham rapidamente bateu o fogo baixo e foi a verificação de pontos quentes quando cheguei cerca de dez minutos mais tarde. Várias testemunhas ea polícia me disse que era “Jimmy o Crackhead” começou o fogo. A comunidade estava chateado porque a estrutura foi o escritório para a sua horta comunitária. Os vizinhos ficaram chateados porque isso era algo deles que lhes dava prazer e um sentimento de orgulho na comunidade. A polícia está investigando.

Los bomberos fueron llamados a un incendio en la esquina de Yaremich y Reservoir Avenue, casi de inmediato la policía recibió una llamada que el incendio había sido deliberada y para comenzar una investigación. Cuando llegaron los bomberos informaron de la estructura se vio envuelto completamente en llamas. Los bomberos habían golpeado rápidamente el fuego abajo y fue la comprobación de los puntos calientes cuando llegué unos diez minutos más tarde. Múltiples testigos y la policía me dijo que era “Jimmy el Crackhead” comenzó el incendio. La comunidad estaba molesto porque la estructura era la oficina para su jardín de la comunidad. Los vecinos estaban molestos porque esto era algo de ellos que les daba placer y un sentido de orgullo en la comunidad. La policía está investigando.

By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

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