Fairfield, CT (September 4, 2020) Director of Human and Social Services, Julie DeMarco, is pleased to announce the department has distributed Hurricane and Emergency Backpacks to 100 at-risk Fairfield residents. Through the generosity of our many Senior Services Providers in the community and the Friends of the Bigelow Center, at-risk seniors and residents who may be challenged by basic preparations in a pandemic, received a backpack with basic supplies they may need in an emergency.

“Older adults and persons with special needs might need to plan for additional time, assistance and/or resources in case of emergency,” said DeMarco. “Taking steps now, before an emergency, can reduce the stress an incident can cause and ensure everyone knows the plan to best care for loved ones during and after any crisis.”

The backpacks include essentials for preparedness: batteries, flashlight, non-perishable foods, medications, first aid kit, waterproof bags for important documents (insurance policies, advanced healthcare directives, legal documents, social security cards, birth and marriage certificates, passports, and a list of important phone numbers), masks, gloves, notepads and pens, and water.

“Emergency backpacks are one of many steps, not only for our homebound residents, but for all of our seniors, to take to prepare for an emergency. If and when the next storm comes to Fairfield, whether hurricane or blizzard, you should have supplies ready and have a plan. Know your natural supports -your friends, neighbors and families,” said DeMarco. “Maybe a neighbor has a generator and can keep insulin cold; maybe a friend can keep your phone charged; perhaps your family can help you stock up on groceries? Do you have a place to stay if power is out for a prolonged period? The more you know and the more you plan, the calmer you will be if something does happen.”

The Department is grateful to the generosity of The Rotary Club of Fairfield, Sheraton HomeCare, Synergy Homecare, Waveny LifeCare Network, Atlantic Home Loans, Senior Helpers, ComForCare, Assisted Living Services, Attorney Jim Hughes, and the Friends of the Bigelow Center.

For questions or additional information, please contact Fairfield Human and Social Services at 203-256-3166.


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By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

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