#Bridgeport, CT – Aug 13, 2014 – A city man faces charges that he attempted to steal more than $400 worth of fragrances from a Marshalls Store.

Officer Laura Azevedo-Rasuk responded to the business at 4487 Main St. Tuesday at 3 p.m. on a report of a shoplifter being held by a loss prevention officer at the store.

The employee reported that the suspect, Gary King, 24, took 15 bottles of brand-name fragrances and left the store without paying.

The items were recovered and King was charged with sixth-degree larceny. He was held on a $500 bond.

Gary King

Un hombre de la ciudad se enfrenta a cargos Que trató de robar más de $ 400 dólares en fragancias de Marshalls Store.

Oficial de Laura Azevedo-Rasuk respondió a la empresa en 4487 Main St. martes a las 3 pm en un informe de un ladrón que se celebra por un oficial de prevención de pérdidas en la tienda.

El empleado reportado Que el sospechoso, Gary King, 24, tomó 15 botellas de marca perfumes y salió de la tienda sin pagar.

Fueron los artículos recuperados y King fue acusado de hurto de sexto grado. Él se celebró el bono de $ 500.

Um homem da cidade enfrenta acusações de tentar roubar mais de US $ 400 no valor de fragrâncias de Marshalls Store.

Diretor Laura Azevedo-Rasuk Responda relatou em 4487 Main St. terça-feira às 15:00 em um relatório de um ladrão detido por um oficial de prevenção de perdas na loja.

O funcionário informou que o suspeito, Gary King, 24, levou 15 garrafas de perfumes de marca e saiu da loja sem pagar.

Os itens foram recuperados e Rei foi acusado de sexto grau furto. Ele foi mantido em fiança de $ 500.

By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

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