2:01am–#cttraffic–2:31am–UPDATE: One in custody at Brooks and Spring Street. I told youBridgeport Police Department would get him! All he was wanted for was shoplifting a Walgreen’s in Stratford. It got more serious the more he ran, especially since he was trying to run police officer off the road. GREAT multi-agency coordination!

UPDATE–Pursuit went to Westport and turned around at 18.  Now the are in the East Main/Huntington Road area.  Radio reports say he is trying to run troopers off the road.

Tonight’s police pursuit is on I-95 southbound just passed 32.huge

ACTUALIZACIÓN: Un detenido en Brooks y Spring Street. Te dije Departamento de Policía de Bridgeport conseguiría él! Todo lo que era buscado por robar en tiendas fue un Walgreens en Stratford. Se puso más grave cuanto más corría, especialmente desde que él estaba tratando de ejecutar oficial de policía fuera de la carretera. GRAN coordinación multiinstitucional!
ACTUALIZA-Persecución fue a Westport y dio la vuelta a los 18. Ahora, el son en el área de East Main / Huntington Road. Informes de radio dicen que él está tratando de ejecutar soldados de la carretera.
Persecución policial de esta noche es en la I-95 hacia el sur acaba de pasar 32.

UPDATE: Um em custódia na Brooks e Spring Street. Eu disse que Bridgeport Departamento de Polícia iria pegá-lo! Tudo o que ele era procurado por furto em um Walgreens em Stratford. Ficou mais grave quanto mais corria, especialmente desde que ele estava tentando executar um policial fora da estrada. GREAT coordenação multi-agência!
ATUALIZAÇÃO-Perseguição foi para Westport e virou na 18. Agora, o estão na área de East Main / Huntington Road. Reportagens de rádio dizem que ele está tentando executar troopers fora da estrada.
Perseguição policial desta noite é na I-95 sul acaba de passar pela 32.

By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

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