Despite Democratic Primary winner Joe Ganim’s plea for Mayor Bill Finch to step aside for the good the party Bill Finch released this statement/press release today:
As a father, and as chief executive of our state’s largest city, it’s my job to think about the long run.
It’s my job to make Bridgeport an even better city than it is today — a place where my kids, and your kids, will choose to live, work, and raise their families here, too.Bill Finch
Regardless of party affiliation, as your mayor, I represent everyone in Bridgeport.
Our better tomorrow is already taking shape — the re-opening of Pleasure Beach after years of neglect, building at Steelpointe Harbor after decades of broken promises and corruption, improving downtown, and building a second train station.
These are just some of the projects bringing confidence back to the city while creating thousands of jobs.
I remain concerned as a Bridgeport resident about the future of our city, and the corruption that so badly has held our city back for far too long. I’m worried that job creators and investors will stop investing in our city with the posterchild of corruption at the helm.
With that, I plan on accepting the Job Creation Party endorsement and running in the General Election on Nov. 3, 2015.
Bridgeport, you still have an honest mayor who intends to keep the future bright for Bridgeport.
So I hope you’ll join me as a Jobs Creator, and move forward to November, stronger than ever.
Because in this election, Bridgeporters have a clear choice: We can either continue moving forward honestly, OR, we go back to the failed policies of greed, crime, corruption, lies, and mismanagement.
Let’s keep moving the city forward.
Thank you.
Bill Finch
Mayor of Bridgeport

By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

One thought on “Bridgeport News: He’s Running!”
  1. I think that this whole slandering campaign needs to stop. Our Govenor wronged us and was ‘re-elected so why can’t Mr.Gabon run again. Ernest Newton has wronged us and he still continues to appear on ballots as well. We teach our children not to judge and give people a chance.Who better to give a second chance too? Someone who understands needing one, or someone who puts up this illusion of being perfect.Mr.Finch you stay in your beauty award ridden neighborhood and walk with your children there, what about showing them my neglected east end neighborhood,Mr.Change Bridgeport. We dont live in Pleasure Beach. Fix some of these blighted city owned properties and straighten out some of these housing issues.

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