(Westport, CT) The Town of Westport has experienced 9 stolen vehicles in the past 2 months. In ALL cases, the vehicle doors were unlocked and the keys were left in the vehicle. We have also experienced numerous vehicle break-ins during the month of December. In all cases of vehicles being entered, which resulted in thefts, the doors were unlocked. The recent thefts have occurred overnight.

The Westport Police Department reminds you to please lock your car and bring your keys inside. Please remember to take valuables out of your car for the night, such as cash, purses, wallets and electronics. It is also good practice to keep outside lights on and motion lights activated. Please notify the Police Department if it appears your vehicle was entered or you observe anything suspicious in your neighborhood.

(Westport Police Press Release)

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By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

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