Thursday, April 25 @ 7:00 PM

Westport, CT – First Selectwoman Jennifer Tooker has announced that, in coordination with the Public Works, Planning & Zoning, and Public Safety Departments, the Town will host its next Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Update Session on Thursday, April 25 at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall Auditorium. The purpose of the meeting will be to update the public on the Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Task Force’s progress and to allow additional discussion and input from residents about traffic and areas of concern they may have in their neighborhoods.
Included in this discussion will be Town employees who are experienced in traffic management, knowledgeable of roadway conditions, engineering, and possible speed calming solutions, as well as the regulations and oversight authority of the Town. We will also be joined during the meeting by our consultant team responsible for the preparation of the Town of Westport’s Safety Action Plan which has been funded through a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant from the federal government. Representatives from our lead consultant Tighe & Bond, along with their partners from FHI Studio and CDM Smith will be in attendance to provide an update on their work to date on the project.
All interested residents are encouraged to attend. They will have the opportunity to express concerns and gain knowledge about what steps may be feasible or are already in progress to help manage and mitigate traffic and safety issues. The Representatives from the consulting team will present an introduction to the Safety Action Plan project including an overview of the Safety Action Plan requirements, study process and work tasks, and overall project timeline. They will also provide an update on the information and responses collected to date through the interactive map survey which is currently available to the public Following a short presentation, the project team will be available to answer questions and provide more information regarding ways for the public to participate throughout the study process.
The interactive, online survey provides residents with an opportunity to share insights, experiences, and suggestions to help shape the future of road safety in Westport. To complete the online survey, please visit The survey is mobile-friendly and can be completed in just a few minutes.
First Selectwoman Tooker noted, “The work to address traffic and pedestrian safety challenges is ongoing, and an important function of town staff. Both Town staff and representatives from our Safe Streets and Roads for All Study consultants at Tighe & Bond have been working diligently to gather information, answer questions, address comments and concerns, and administer specific road and safety-related projects with the LTA. I am happy to report that by working together, we have made strides in resolving a number of traffic and road safety concerns in Westport. There is more work to do, and community input and engagement are important components of the mission to make Westport a safe and welcoming place for residents, visitors and business owners.”