We’ve been around for over 5 years. So why am I saying welcome to DoingItLocal.com?

Owner of DoingItLocal.com
Since our news story on the woman crashing into the Cumberland Farms in Fairfield last week, it aired on all the TV stations in Connecticut, WABC-TV in New York and also Good Morning America! Since then our audience has mushroomed to an weekly Facebook audience of 163,760 as of this writing. Up 162.9% from previous week! That’s not including our audience on Twitter or DoingItLocal.com, yes it is a website. Most view us on Facebook on their phones.
We are different from most news organizations. We report on many news stories that aren’t reported on like gas leaks because they send so many firetrucks out on those calls. We report in REAL time. So if there is a foot pursuit or manhunt we let you know where so you know why the police are all over the place. We don’t report on medical calls, domestic or suicides (unless it involves the public).
We only cover breaking news. We sometimes TRY to be punny and try to present the news in a different light. We are NOT politically correct, we have no agendas and we work hard not to have any political spin on stories. We like snarky comments but will ban you from commenting if you use hate speech or publicly say anything bad about our sponsors. I know my sponsors well and know if there is an issue they will gladly handle any concerns you might have.
So no, we aren’t replacing any news source, we actually enhance other news sources and share our stories. We are different and that is why we are the fastest growing news source. Thanks for being a part of it!
How can we post an event / fundrasier for our gallery?
Email me at DoingItLocal.com@gmail.com
I really enjoy getting information in our community because I am often doing work related runs or just a grandma taxi. So when something pops up like a stabbing or flooding I can make appropriate detours. One night a post was placed and people were told to check their cars on our block and I jumped up and my car was burglarized in our parking lot. You are doing a wonderful job and I read your page before putting on the news .I also love to read comments as well!!
You made it all worth while. Thank you for the kind words!