3:11pm–#Bridgeport CT–Police sort out this three car crash that slowed traffic on North Avenue at Wood Avenue.  Three ambulances were dispatched but no word on how many were injured.

Wood and North Ave

polícia resolver este acidente três carros que retardou o tráfego na avenida norte da Wood Avenue. Três ambulâncias foram enviadas, mas não há informações sobre quantos ficaram feridos.

la policía a resolver este choque de tres coches que se ralentizó el tráfico en la Avenida del Norte en la Avenida de madera. Tres ambulancias fueron enviados, pero no hay información sobre cuántos fueron heridos.

By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

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