Bridgeport Police Department press release:

Bridgeport, Conn. (Feb. 2, 2015) – Detectives have made three arrests in connection with a stabbing that occurred this morning on Andover Street.
The incident happened in the 100 block, where the suspects live.
According to the initial investigation, the victim and the suspects know each other and were involved in an ongoing dispute. The suspects reportedly believed that the victim had stolen items from them in the past.
Outside, during a confrontation, two of the suspects assaulted the victim and one of them stabbed the victim, a 23-year-old man. He was taken to the hospital where he was in critical but stable condition.
Three people – two males and a female – were arrested on assault-related charges.


1:50pm–#Bridgeport CT–A man was stabbed earlier at 165 Andover Street was transported to St. Vincent’s Hospital for treatment.  The police officer guarding the victim on the 8th floor of the hospital had to call for additional police after a disturbance.


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Los detectives han realizado tres arrestos en conexión con un apuñalamiento que se produjo esta mañana en Andover Street.
El incidente ocurrió en el bloque 100, donde viven los sospechosos.
De acuerdo con la investigación inicial, la víctima y los sospechosos se conocen entre sí y estaban involucrados en una disputa. Los sospechosos los informes, cree que la víctima había robado artículos de ellos en el pasado.
En el exterior, durante un enfrentamiento, dos de los sospechosos asaltaron la víctima y uno de ellos apuñaló a la víctima, un hombre de 23 años de edad. Fue llevado al hospital donde se encontraba en condición crítica pero estable.
Tres personas – dos hombres y una mujer – fueron arrestados por cargos de asalto.

Detectives fizeram três prisões em conexão com uma facada que ocorreu esta manhã em Andover Street.
O incidente aconteceu no bloco 100, onde os suspeitos vivem.
De acordo com a investigação inicial, a vítima e os suspeitos conhecem uns aos outros e estavam envolvidos em uma disputa em curso. Os suspeitos alegadamente acreditava que a vítima tinha roubado itens deles no passado.
Lá fora, durante um confronto, dois dos suspeitos agrediram a vítima e um deles esfaqueou a vítima, um homem de 23 anos de idade. Ele foi levado para o hospital onde ele estava em estado crítico, mas estável.
Três pessoas – dois homens e uma mulher – foram presos por acusações relacionadas ao assalto.

By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

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