#Fairfield CT–In the past month, the Town of Fairfield Police and Health Department have received numerous
complaints regarding violations occurring at the Brickyard Pub located at 93 Post Road. These complaints
include alleged violations of noise ordinances, occupants not wearing face masks and large crowds
exceeding occupant capacity.
Fairfield Police and Health Department Officials responded to the Brickyard Pub at 11:39pm on Friday,
October 23rd after Fairfield Health Officials observed COVID-19 gathering size violations and face
covering violations set forth by Governor Lamont’s 70th Executive Order. 
Officials on scene observed a large crowd of approximately 50 people standing outside the front of the
Pub. It was reported many of them were not wearing masks as they stood amongst the large
crowd.  Additionally, inside Brickyard Pub, the crowd exceeded the 112-person maximum allowance, 75%
of the Pub’s normal maximum capacity of 150. The majority of the patrons observed within Brickyard Pub
were found to be gathered at the bar and were found not to be wearing face masks. 
The Brickyard Pub was ordered to close and cease operations until Monday October 26th by Health
The owner of Brickyard Pub, identified as Jennifer Lynn Wilson of Easton, was fined for not complying
with a face cover violation under Executive Order No. 7NNN (EO-9B-2a(1)). She was also fined for a
gathering violation (EO-9B-2b), an Executive Order that specifies that any person or business entity who
organizes, hosts, or sponsors a gathering that violates the gathering size restrictions set forth in
the DECD Rules for Gatherings and Venues and Sector Rules for Outdoor Events. 
Fairfield Police will continue to coordinate with town health officials to seek and enforce public health
violations. We also urge our community to adhere to social distance recommendations and to “do your
part” in our fight against this virus. 
“Fairfield business owners are working very hard to stay afloat while complying with the sector rules. It’s
very important that everyone does their part to protect the health of our community. The irresponsible
actions of a few can have an impact on the entire town and other local businesses. We’re all in this
together, wear a mask, follow the rules” states First Selectwomen Brenda Kupchick.
“It is imperative that all establishments follow their sector reopen guidelines and all of the Governors
Executive Orders, as this helps to ensure the health and safety of all Fairfield residents. Please
remember to wear your mask, keep a social distance, and wash your hands frequently to stop the spread
of COVID-19” said Rob Guerrera, Assistant Director of Health for Environmental Health.

This press release was made possible by:

By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

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