
Mayor Finch is also urging residents who are having parking issues, questions about the snow emergency, or do not believe their street has been plowed to use Bridgeport’s BConnected service.


“BConnected is our one-stop-shop for Bridgeporters to request services from their government. I urge all residents to communicate with us through this service. We’re here to serve, and this is a great tool for communicating any issues in the community.”


BConnected services can be accessed three different ways: 1) Download the BConnected App on your smartphone, 2) Visit BConnected online at www.bridgeportct.gov/bconnected, or 3) Call the BConnected hotline at 203-576-1311.

Finch también exhorta a los residentes que están teniendo problemas de aparcamiento, preguntas acerca de la emergencia de nieve, o no creen su calle ha sido arada para utilizar el servicio Bconnected de Bridgeport.


“Bconnected es nuestra única ventanilla única para Bridgeporters para solicitar los servicios de su gobierno. Insto a todos los residentes de comunicarse con nosotros a través de este servicio. Estamos aquí para servir, y esta es una gran herramienta para comunicar cualquier problema en la comunidad. ”


Servicios Bconnected se puede acceder a tres formas diferentes: 1) Descarga la aplicación Bconnected en el smartphone, 2) Visita Bconnected línea en www.bridgeportct.gov/bconnected, o 3) Llame a la línea directa Bconnected en 203-576-1311.

Prefeito Finch também está pedindo aos moradores que estão tendo problemas de estacionamento, perguntas sobre a emergência de neve, ou não acreditam sua rua foi arado para usar o serviço BConnected de Bridgeport.


“BConnected é o nosso one-stop-shop para Bridgeporters para solicitar serviços de seu governo. Peço a todos os moradores para se comunicar conosco através deste serviço. Estamos aqui para servir, e isso é uma grande ferramenta para comunicar quaisquer problemas na comunidade. ”


Serviços BConnected pode ser acessada de três maneiras diferentes: 1) Baixe o BConnected App em seu smartphone, 2) Visita BConnected on-line em www.bridgeportct.gov/bconnected, ou 3) através da hotline BConnected em 203-576-1311.

By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

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