STRATFORD – Mayor Laura R. Hoydick, in an effort with Assistant Tax Assessor Katherine Stauffer, CCMC, is encouraging all veterans to learn more about the new property tax exemption for veterans with a 100% permanent and temporary disability rating that goes into effect October 1, 2024, and will be reflected in July 1, 2025 tax bill.
Mayor Hoydick stated, “Public Act 24-46 establishes a new municipal property tax exemption for veterans who have a 100% service-connected permanent and total (P&T) disability rating. Stratford residents who served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Air Force, or Space Force and have a 100% P&T Rating — as determined by the US Department of Veterans Affairs — are eligible for this exemption. I hope our Town’s veterans will take advantage of this opportunity, and speak with our Tax Assessor’s office if they have any questions or need assistance in the application process.”
This new law fully exempts from property tax of either a dwelling that the veteran owns and lives in as his or her primary residence or, if the veteran does not own a dwelling, one motor vehicle he or she owns and keeps in Stratford. If a veteran does not own a dwelling or a vehicle, the exemption may be applied toward one that belongs to, or is held in trust for his or her spouse if they live together. If the veteran passes away, the dwelling or vehicle belonging to or held in trust for the surviving spouse or the veteran’s child (while a minor) is exempt.
Veterans must have their DD-214 filed by September 30, 2024 with the Town Clerk. If they have already filed their DD-214 with the Town Clerk, they do not need to file it again. The application deadline for this exemption is March 31, 2025, and it is a one-time application. If the Veteran’s P&T disability rating changes, the Assessor’s Office must be notified. Applications may be obtained at the Tax Assessor’s Office or by emailing TAXASSESSOR@TOWNOFSTRATFORD.COM.
Important Information:
- DD-214 must be filed with the Town Clerk by September 30, 2024.
- The application deadline for this exemption is March 31, 2025.
- With the application, veterans must also provide:
- Copies of a photo ID with proof of residency for the veteran and (if applicable) their spouse.
- A copy of their latest US DVA Disability Award letter showing 100% P&T Service-Connected Disability.
- A copy of their most recent US DVA Summary of Benefits.
- This exemption will not be awarded to veterans who have a disability rating less than 100% but receive a monthly award equal to what a veteran with a 100% rating would.
- For more information on additional exemptions, please visit http://stratfordct.gov/exemptions