September Storytimes
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. offers weekly storytimes for children, beginning Monday, Sept. 16. Storytimes meet at 10:30 am. On Mondays, Toddler Time meets for ages 0-2. On Tuesdays, Preschool Storytime meets for ages 3-5. Baby Lapsit meets on Thursdays for babies 0-18 months. Friday Fun offers stories and songs for ages 1-5. Enjoy early literacy activities and meet other families at Library storytimes! Registration is required. To register, visit the website at stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit stratfordlibrary.org/kids.
I Spy Hispanic Heritage
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. will offer a Hispanic Heritage-themed I Spy game for all ages from Tuesday, September 3 to Friday, September 20 in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month. This will be a drop-in event during Library hours. Find all the flags from Hispanic/Latino countries and win a sticker. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit stratfordlibrary.org/kids.
Book Scientists
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. will offer Book Scientist kits for children ages 3-12. Each kit includes books and activities. Books are selected based on the age of the child participating. This month, the theme is Weather (Sept. 20). Return the Library books when they are due and keep everything else! Registration is required. To register, visit the website at stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit stratfordlibrary.org/kids.
Piano w/ Friends: Music Basics Class
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. will offer Piano with Friends: Music Basics class on either Saturday, September 14 at 2:30 pm, or Tuesday, September 24 at 6 pm, for children ages 7-12. Learn how to read sheet music and find keys on a music keyboard (class does not replace professional piano lessons). Piano with Friends will meet in the Children’s Program Room. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit stratfordlibrary.org/kids.
Ready for Kindergarten Grab ‘n’ Go
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. is offering Kindergarten readiness grab ‘n go activity kits for children ages 3-5. Each month’s kit will offer a different activity to prepare your preschooler for Kindergarten. Pick up for the September activity kit will begin on Wednesday, September 18. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit stratfordlibrary.org/kids.
Learn to Crochet
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. is offering beginner’s crochet lessons in person on Wednesday, September 18 at 6 pm. All patrons ages 9 and up are welcome, and supplies are provided. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit stratfordlibrary.org/kids.
Treehouse Science: Loom
Join us at The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. Treehouse STEAM Table for some fun with Looms on Friday, September 20 at 3:30 pm for children ages 8-12. Children will learn how to use a heddle loom. To register, visit the website at stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit stratfordlibrary.org/kids.
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. will offer LEGO Club on Saturday, September 21 at 2 pm and Monday, September 30 at 4 pm for ages 5-12. Come build some LEGO creations with friends! LEGO Club will meet in the Children’s Program Room. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit stratfordlibrary.org/kids.
Math Grab ‘n’ Go
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. will offer a math grab ‘n go kit about subtraction. Families with children ages 5-8 are welcome to sign up. Pick up for kits begins on Wednesday, September 25. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit stratfordlibrary.org/kids.
Nutmeg Book Group
The Stratford Library Children’s Dept. is offering the Nutmeg Book Group for readers in grades 4 to 6. September’s pick will be A Rover’s Story. Read the book, then join us for a book discussion on Monday, September 30 at 6 pm in the Children’s Program Room. The book is provided to registered participants courtesy of the Carol Pieper Memorial Fund. Registration is required. To register, visit the website at stratfordlibrary.org, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit stratfordlibrary.org/kids.